Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Well it's finally time... to put my thoughts onto paper (or screen, or other computer format).  This seems the best way for me to share my thoughts and opinions.  I've put it off long enough and my time to blog has come.  So if you're ever wondering what is going through my mind or what my thoughts are on something, you may just find your answer here.  Granted, my writing style may not be the smoothest, or my thoughts may be slightly jumbled, but at least I've got it written down and recorded.

I know i'm not alone, but i tend to have those moments, moments after conversational moments (i know, a lot of moments in one sentence) where i think of something I had wish i had shared or brought into a conversation.  What better way to share, than with the whole internet world and friends.

So nothing big to start, just a little intro for my future writing.  Hope you enjoy reading, what i enjoy writing. (and if you don't, well that's too bad i guess)  


1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea, Trevor! Looking forward to reading some of your posts.
