Friday, April 19, 2013

Are We Praying Correctly-- Intro

     So, I want to get some stuff off my chest about prayer.  I think as believers, we complicate prayer.  Prayer has to be done this way.  Prayer has to be a certain length.  Prayer has to be done at certain times.  You can only pray about one thing but you shouldn't pray about other stuff.  Why do we make prayer something so difficult.  I think sometimes we have so many guidelines, it pushes people away from praying (especially in groups).  We set a standard, and if you don't reach that standard with your prayer, you're looked down upon.  Maybe not everyone feels this way, i know i have definitely felt this way on many occasions.  There's a few subjects i want to touch on with prayer.  I want to discuss the Lord's prayer, which i believe is a prayer that is common to most believers and unbelievers alike.  What should be the content of our prayers? (which will be touched upon a little dealing with the Lord's prayer)  What does God want from us when we pray?  Now i may add or subtract a little from those topics depending upon what comes to my mind.  I may even have to expand into multiple blog-posts  maybe even a blog-series.  Oh and almost forgot, one last topic will be about- what influence does Satan have on our prayer life?  

    So, don't expect much more in this blog post about prayer.  Hopefully this will just wet your appetite and maybe even make you go study up on prayer and maybe even just make you think a little before the next time you pray.  I know I've definitely been evolving in my prayer life lately, especially in this past year at college, and even more in these past few weeks coming down to the end of the semester.  I especially know that if i didn't post this little intro blog-post, i would be bound to forget to write what i'm going to write about.  But if i have this out for others to see, i feel a sense of responsibility to deliver.  Hopefully i'll have something more up within the next day or days, but if i don't, i will for sure have it up soon.  I especially want to make sure i do my due diligence and not just post what i want to post, but what God has been teaching me through my spiritual walk recently and even way back in my life.  So i encourage you to spend some time in prayer and pray for me that God would work in my life and do his will in my life, no matter how difficult it may be.  i also want to encourage you to pray for others around you, God answers prayers in the most amazing ways sometimes, so don't limit God when you pray. (Of course God can't be limited, but you get the point)  Pray with a high understanding and respect for God and his power, gentleness, justice, grace, and peace.  

I know I was just rambling for a while through this post, but hopefully it was encouraging.  Until next time. 

        -From dust i came into this world, and to dust i will return.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Trev for your thoughts and words...I have never been one to go with tradition..always found it impossible to pray for an extended time (fall asleep)..have learned thru the years to pray thru out the day as people, situations, thoughts, needs, praise come to mind. Praying in a group has always been difficult for me. Finding a prayer partner has helped me alot with that. It is exciting to see God working and moving in your life. Love you very much..Mom
